This Logic Quiz Intended For 14-Year-Old Math Students Is Stumping The World

This problem is harder than I first thought.


Facebook / kennethjianwen

This logic test that was designed for 14-year-olds in Singapore is making its way around the internet, being touted as a math problem that even adults are having a hard time solving.

Singaporean media personality Kenneth Jian Wen shared the image on his Facebook page.

Facebook / kennethjianwen
Facebook / kennethjianwen

Can you figure it out?

In a surprise turn of events, the organization, Maths Olympiads, recognizing just how frustrated the world is, released this statement:

Facebook / kennethjianwen

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Are you ready?

Here’s the answer:

Facebook / kennethjianwen

So, did you get it? It’s okay if you didn’t. I didn’t get it either.

And Cheryl, stop acting a bitch. Thought Catalog Logo Mark