19 Hilarious Photos Of Monks Looking At Alcoholic Beverages

1. That face when you get skunk-ass beer…

Source: Imgur

2. When that beer taste funky tho…

Source: Imgur

3. MFW Friday hits and it’s your first glass…

Source: Imgur

4. When you’re underage and you finna get toasty.

Source: Imgur


Source: Imgur

6. ‘But that is none of mine business.’

Source: Imgur

7. When your girl knows you full-on lying.

Source: Imgur

8. When you’re at the adult table and you trying to impress your cousin’s friend.

Source: Imgur

9. When your friend tells you a killer joke.

Source: Imgur

10. Just nod and sip like you really care about what they’re saying.

Source: Imgur

11. When you know it’s time to get fucked up!

Source: Imgur

12. That one friend who doesn’t know when to stop drinking.

Source: Imgur

13. When you’re at the club, but all you wanna do is drink.

Source: Imgur

14. When you know your beer is calling your name.

Source: Imgur

15. When your friend acts like they have some refine palate or some shit and you have to pretend you care.

Source: Imgur

16. When you’re alone in the basement in your homemade brewery and all you wanna do is get fucked up.

Source: Imgur

17. When you have a keg and you feel like you’re the king of the party.

Source: Imgur

18. When your drunk friends tell you a secret about the friend that left to go use the bathroom.

Source: Imgur

19. When you catch your friend sipping beer when they told you they’re not drinking this time.

Source: Imgur

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Harold Holger

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