You Cannot Tame A Writer

They will love you for whoever and whatever you are. They will love you for who they truly are. They won't change you and they won't change themselves for love sake


Aidan Meyer
Aidan Meyer
Aidan Meyer

Have you ever come across a writer?

Are you friends with someone who writes for a living or a hobby?

Do you write and consider yourself a “struggling writer”?

Or whatever because all I know is you cannot tame a writer.

Writers are unabashedly fearless of voicing out what’s on their mind. They think and say things that make this world and all the people cringed. Writers make the world a living hell but most often than not, they create a heaven inside of their reader’s universes. Universes paralleled to our world.

Writers don not conform to such belief or religion. Sure there are writers who belong to certain religions or sect but most writers are united with one religion and that is freedom.

Freedom from everything that is holding them back to write and say what they need to tell the world.
They are not afraid of pointing out wrongs and also giving praises to whom credits are due.

You cannot tame them because they are free.

You cannot tame them because they needed to be wild. They to need to be save from themselves. And only they can save them.

All their words are their demons. All their syllables are sins. They chase them in their sleeps. Their thoughts are curse. But their own very words are also the antidote to keep them going and stay alive. Their words will save them. Their words are the redemption of all their broken mirrors. They need these words to provide water to their rotting roots. They need sentences for the freezing spaces caused by their empty little soul. They need paragraphs to make sense of what and who they really are.

Without words they are lifeless.
Without words they are a person without a brain.

You cannot tame a writer because they have wild hearts and natures. They live the words they write and tell to people.

Writers are savages. They don’t let you live with sugar-coated words but a pure intention of setting themselves and you free. They let you live with the truth and drown you with it.

They write from the marrow of their bones. They write in trying to save their lives and yours too in confronting their enemies and lifelong fears inside them.

They’ve mastered the art of sorrow. They let it touch them and hurt them but they will not let it destroy them.

But no matter how much they say unfiltered things to you, and how many times they’ll hurt you with words they know how to love. They love wildly and fearlessly. They will never get you with words that do not seem true but they will tell you and do what they say just to make sure you are loved. They will write you and everything about you.

No matter how complicated and untamed they may be, they still have a soft-sweet spot.

You cannot tame a writer but you can make them love you. You cannot tame a writer but that is a good thing, right? They will love you for whoever and whatever you are. They will love you for who they truly are. They won’t change you and they won’t change themselves for love sake.

That’s the dream, right? I hope you will love them too in your own untamed, wild, and savage way. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Harley Biala

I just like to write because I always have a dream of becoming the next big thing.