Dear Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: We’re Sorry

CNN / YouTube

Dear Christine Blasey Ford,

On behalf of myself and all victimized women, we’re sorry. It’s something that we’re so used to repeating, but this time, we mean it.

We’re sorry that your body was treated like it wasn’t your own.

We’re sorry that a man thought foolishly that what is yours should be his as well.

We’re sorry that he’s being defended for it.

We’re sorry that we’ve been clumped into the mindless crowd of those who believe that your words are lies and that you deserved what you got. You didn’t, and promise me you’ll keep repeating it until you believe it.

Your words have inspired incredible bravery. You are the voice for all those who can’t speak, who won’t speak. You hold the power of the female race in your hands, and we thank you for handling it so gracefully.

I am proud of you.

I know those are words that you haven’t heard much of, but those are the words you deserve the most. I know how hard it was for you to admit it. You’ve locked it away for years. I know that it took a lot, and for that, I’m proud of you.

I’m sorry that we’ve been so cold.

I’m sorry we’ve been so heartless and oblivious to your blinding pain.

I’m sorry that we are the cowards who would rather push forth with a biased political agenda then acknowledge and heal your wounds. I’m so, so sorry.

But I hope now that you have found strength you never knew you had.

I hope you continue to unfold your light and shine in unto others.

I hope you keep fighting because your voice needs to be heard.

So, instead of saying sorry, now Christine, I say thank you. Thank you for sparking the much-needed revolution. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Hannah Irelan

someone who speaks her struggles through words.

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