9 Creepy Stories And A Quick Response To Each Of Them

Finally, the family car was in the shop for some kind of issue so we were all stuck home for a night and had to get delivery, etc. while my parents are home, my sister goes outside to smoke. I go outside with her, and eventually the SUV shows up. She tells me to run inside and tell my father, and I do.

My dad promptly gets his gun and starts briskly walking down the drive way with it inhand, in the direction of the SUV, but not levelled towards it. The SUV floored it, down the road and peeled out onto the nearby large highway. My dad, being a cop, noted the year and model and distinguishing features. The scariest thing? The license plate had been covered in duct tape.

We never saw it again, and my sister just kind of shrugs it off now.

Response: For what it’s worth, I imagined your dad looking like Liam Nelson. You know, from Taken.


About the author

H.L. Miller

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