9 Creepy Stories And A Quick Response To Each Of Them

6. The Magic School Bus Ride from Hell.

It was a really snowy day and not many people were outside. I was only outside so I could smoke a quick bowl. Anyways as im walking the long road towards my dorm this homeless guy comes out of nowhere like a white walker out of game of thrones and starts giving me this long story of how he needs bus money and his car broke down.

It was suspicious but I was really high so I talked to him a bit and he kept changing his story. I really didn’t have money so I told him sorry and kept walking but he kept following me and was really close and making some sort of grunting noise. I start walking faster and he does the same. Im lucky cause few guys came out on of the buildings and this guy starts talking to himself, kind of debating something in his head.

The sidewalk was small so you kind of had to mover over to let people pass. So the two guys walking opposite of us were close and once are paths collided I booked it. I didn’t care about falling or looking dumb.

Once I run inside, I look out the window and I see this guy cursing out loud and makes a call. Within few seconds this fucking School bus. Yes a school bus filled with white homeless guys wearing masks picks him and they leave. WTF, never saw that guy or bus again.

Response: Phoebe: “We never travelled to purgatory at my old school…”

7. Dairy Queen Ghost.

Went to school early one day in 9th grade, to finish a project for first class. None of my friends were there yet, and there was maybe 15 students plus staff. I had never told my locker combo to anyone. When I opened my locker that morning, there was a DQ cheeseburger sitting on the top shelf – still warm, with a single bite out of it. The DQ wasn’t open that early. No one ever admitted to it.

Response: You were blessed by the Queen herself.


About the author

H.L. Miller

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