Why “You Deserve Better” Will Always Be The Easy Way Out


“You deserve better.”
I guarantee you’ll hear this during a breakup at least once in your lifetime. But you know what? “You deserve better” is just a sad, bullshit excuse someone uses to let you down easy during a breakup.

“You deserve better.”
If you think I deserve better… then fucking grow a pair of balls and BE better for me. Why would you willingly continue on in a relationship if you’ve known that I “deserve better”? Why continue on in any relationship if you’re just going to half ass it? Being that better person that he/she deserves is only beneficial to both people. Improve your life by improving yourself and your relationships. Give 100% of yourself to someone, and be the type of person you know your significant other would be proud to show off. If you can’t do that, leave your “you deserve better” behind, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

“You deserve better.”
You don’t know what I deserve. I deserve to fall in love, to feel the pain of heartbreak, to experience new things and feelings, to grow as a person, to live and to learn… I deserve to do anything or experience anything with you or whoever the hell I want. But don’t you dare tell me that I deserve better, because at the end of the day that’s my decision. It’s up to me to decide what I want in a relationship. And if it’s you that I want, you better have a real excuse to leave, because “you deserve better” does not cut it.

“You deserve better.”
No. I deserve a real excuse for why you’re walking out that door. No matter how harsh or moronic or heartless the reason, I deserve it. Don’t feed me this bullshit about how I deserve better, because we all know “you deserve better” is only easing your mind. It only helps you sleep at night. “You deserve better” is just a quick, mindless excuse you’ve said because you think telling me this will make me feel better about myself, but in reality that excuse is for you. You think “you deserve better” makes you the good guy, but it doesn’t. If you want to be the good guy, try being honest about all of the imperfections in our relationship—whether they were your fault or mine.

“You deserve better.”
I deserve to feel every last bit of pain from this break up, and I deserve to grow and learn from it. I deserve to take your criticisms about me and how I act in a relationship, and apply it to my next relationship. How can I do that if all I get is “you deserve better”? Relationships aren’t easy, so what makes you think you should be able to take the easy way out? At the end of the day, I don’t want your sugar coated excuse. I want the real and raw reason behind your “you deserve better.”

Fuck you.
Because I deserve better than “you deserve better.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Gloria Nguyen

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