A Thank You Letter To The Men Who Left

I deserve a man who values my opinion, makes me feel special and treats me like an equal, anything less than that is not worthy of me.


Matthew Kane

I’m better off alone than to continue dating the men who have left, ghosted, or disappointed me on multiple levels. When I’m alone, I can put myself first, take care of myself and focus on what makes me happy.

To the ex’s who have treated me as something disposable, thank you for leaving – thank you for not putting me first and thank you most of all for showing me who you really are. Because of your actions, I know my worth and know what kind of person I deserve. You know who you are, you know what you did and you know what, I still wish you nothing but the best.

I’m done being sad, angry, and disappointed that it didn’t work out. I’m glad it didn’t work out. If it had, I’d still be in mediocre relationships, with mediocre men. It has taken be 27 years but I think I finally know what I’m worth and that my person is worth the wait.

I deserve a man who values my opinion, makes me feel special and treats me like an equal, anything less than that is not worthy of me.

To the men who never responded, ghosted, and just simply left – thank you. Thank you for doing what you did because now I know to be careful. I know not to be too trustful but also not to hold back because life is short.

Thank you for not choosing me because you were never meant to be my forever person. I’m better of alone because after all heartbreak, sadness and insecurity caused by insecure people, I’ve come out of it stronger and better for it.

I’m better off alone, without you filling my head with self-doubt, and insecure thoughts and tearing me down instead of being my partner. I’d rather be alone than with a person who can’t commit to a date, time, or place. I’d rather spend my time with my loved ones — the people who support me, build me up and choose me.

I’m better off alone because instead of putting people first, who won’t put me first; I can finally put myself first. Thought Catalog Logo Mark