You Are Allowed To Live Your Life

You are allowed

To feel

However you feel

You are allowed

To validate yourself

You are allowed

To heal

You are allowed

To unfriend people

In real life

And let go

Of that which no longer serves you

You are allowed

To choose your family

If you damn see fit

You are allowed

To explore the beliefs

That you’ve been taught

Without your consent

That guide your life

And replace them

With ones that resonate

With your soul

You are allowed

To not know

To explore

To discover

Who you are

At any moment

Over and over again

You are allowed

To make up the rules

And live by your values

That govern your life

You are allowed

To say no

When you mean no

And yes

When you mean yes

You are allowed

To take a break

Or a mental health day

You are allowed

To take as long as you need

To listen to your body

To rest

You are allowed

To dream

As big and beautiful

As you damn see fit

Even if you feel alone

In your vision

You are allowed

To hustle

To create

To make sacrifices

Even if people get mad

You are allowed

To take people’s feedback

With a grain of salt

Hearing them

And deciphering what rings true

You are allowed

To treat your body

Like a temple

For it is your home

You are allowed

To love yourself

To put yourself first

You are allowed

To make mistakes

To fail

To learn

The hard way

You are allowed

To change

And to grow

Even when it makes others feel uncomfortable

You are allowed

To feel beautiful

To feel unattractive

You are allowed

To enjoy sex

To ask for what you want

To orgasm

To practice celibacy

To take up space

You are allowed

To give yourself permission

To not need permission

From anyone

But yourself

For this is your life


And nobody is going to live it

For you

But you

About the author

Gara Steinfeld

A seeker serving seekers, human, therapist, writer, warrior