To The Girl Who Won His Heart

Meiying Ng
Meiying Ng

Love him for me.

He likes his coffee with a teeny bit of sugar in the morning; he just wants some kind of kick to wake him up – a kiss on his cheek from you will do just the same. He munches on dark chocolates all the time; he says it keeps his brain awake – if you’re around him, it’ll do just the same.

Kiss him when you’re around his friends, hold his hand in public, be silly with him, make him laugh because it is the most beautiful sight you will ever see. Wear your love for him on your sleeve, radiate the happiness he gives you.

But he’s stubborn, and on some days he’ll be irritable – be patient. Talk it out. Don’t give up on what you have so easily.

There’s no such thing as a perfect boyfriend, or a perfect relationship, or a perfect kind of love. You’re both human and you’re bound to make mistakes, so instead of putting each other down, build each other up.

You will both inevitably grow in love and grow individually. Cherish that.

So he chose you over me, and no, I’m not mad at you like you think I am.

I can never be mad at someone who makes him smile like a kid who has just be given a cone of ice cream. I can never be mad at two people who love each other so deeply, they couldn’t care less about what everyone else thinks.

I hope you both stay together – make him happy.

And to you, love her. Love her as she is and love her as deeply as you could. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Gabrielle Gunay

A fan of picture frames, trips on planes, and coffee stains. Also secretly capable of manipulating molecular density.

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