Let Us Remember What It Is To Be Human Again

Let us have courage, and let us have faith. In such testing times, let us show strength. In these confusing moments, let us find solace in the home that is us.

Let us find comfort in our friends and families. More importantly, let us be the comfort. Let us cherish our people, and miss them, and appreciate them.

Let us get a sense of what is inside of us. Let us reach deep down and find what it is we have been suppressing and what it is we have conveniently been pushing aside. Let us dig deep, and let us have a glimpse of what is truly in our hearts.

Let us not try to make sense of what is happening, except for what we know deep down inside of us and what we can truly control.

Let us cherish this rare gift of time. Let us see this moment as an opportunity. A second chance, perhaps.

Let us not feel discouraged when fear hits our hearts. Let us acknowledge it, and let us be brave.

Let us be selfless. Let us experience community, understanding, and appreciation.

Let us remember the grandness of the universe. Let us think of the beauty that is ahead. There are so many moments we are yet to experience. There are so many discussions to be had about this moment in history.

There is so much to learn. There is so much good to come of this.

And as we let in so much overwhelmingness, let us always remember to come back to ourselves. Let us always be present in love and awareness. Let us not base our actions and words and decisions on fear. Let us be here. Let us take it in. Let us be thankful and hopeful and everything in between.

Let us just, be.

In such overwhelming times, let us truly remember what it is to be human again.

About the author

Francesca Psaila

Soul full of heart