Francesca Escarraga

Empowering the voiceless through the art of storytelling

Articles by
Francesca Escarraga

When Leaving Becomes Yearning

Feeling homesick is like fighting a losing battle; no matter what you do, memories of home will always find a way to remind you what you’ve been constantly missing out on life.

It’s Okay To Still Be In Love With The People Who Left

Maybe, the problem is that we are awfully fixated on erasing our past instead of embracing the beautiful chaos it has brought in our lives, which helped shaped the person we are today – resilient, independent, fearless, and ever-loving.

Things I Want You To Know If Life Ever Tears Us Apart

If one day life separates us and our paths never cross again, remember that the time we had together has forever graced my life with genuine happiness, a love that goes beyond human comprehension, and a glimmer of hope that never ceases to give light in the midst of chaos.