These Are The 14 Biggest Bombshells From Ex-FBI Director Comey’s Hearing About Trump and Russia

1. Comey said there is “no doubt” in his mind that Russia attempted to influence the 2016 election and that U.S. intelligence agencies are in agreement.

2. Senator Warner said that Trump has an “odd and unexplained affection” for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

3. Comey said he was sorry he was unable to say goodbye to his colleagues at the FBI – which was A+ shade at President Trump because Trump fired Comey without telling Comey and Comey found out by watching the news. Comey also said serving at the FBI was the pleasure of his lifetime.

4. Comey called Trump a liar through the following statement.

“The administration then chose to defame me and more importantly the FBI by saying that the organization was in disarray,” Comey said. “That it was poorly led. That the workforce had lost confidence in its leader. Those were lies, plain and simple.”

Trump had made public comments about the FBI that matched those Comey called lies.

5. Comey said he doesn’t believe votes were changed during the 2016 election meaning that voting machines were not manipulated.

6. Comey said he started writing records of his interactions with President Trump because “I was honestly concerned he might lie” about the interactions. Let that sink in. The former FBI Director thought that the President would lie about their conversations so he meticulously took notes on their interactions.

7. In apparent response to a tweet from President Trump about possible tapes of their interactions within the Oval Office, Comey said “Lordy, I hope there are tapes”.

8. Senator King commented on President Putin. “I don’t think Putin is a Republican. Or a Democrat. He’s an opportunist,” King said. Comey agreed.

9. Comey said he can’t answer in open session whether he believes Trump colluded with Russia or not.

10. Comey said he “wished he had been stronger” when speaking with President Trump and not let Trump discuss inappropriate subjects.

11. Comey said his decision to go public with the Clinton e-mail investigation was affected by Bill Clinton meeting with former AG Loretta Lynch on the tarmac last summer.

12. Comey said it’s not up to him to decide whether or not Trump attempted to obstruct justice – which is an impeachable offense.

13. Comey said he leaked details of his interactions with President Trump in the hopes that they would spark the formation of a special counsel.

14. Comey said he was fired because of the Russia investigation and the pressure it put on Trump.

Right now, the Senate Intelligence Committee is in a closed hearing with Mr. Comey and we’re basically salivating wondering what information he could be telling them. Today was more intense, more detailed and more damning for President Trump than almost anyone expected. What’s next? Stay tuned for what is hopefully not the finale of American democracy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Fortesa Latifi

Fortesa Latifi is a 24-year-old writer and graduate student.

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