12 Things You Only Understand Once You Become An Aunt
1. You care about this tiny little human more than you’ve ever cared about anyone in your entire life. Like, ever. You didn’t even know you could love someone this much.
2. You seriously believe that all your past mistakes would be worth it if you can teach your niece(s)/nephew(s) not to repeat them.
3. There’s nothing better than when you niece or nephew says your name for the very first time. Bonus points if they make up a really cute nickname for you.
4. You see your brother or sister in an entirely different light. Once your sibling becomes a parent, you see another side of them.
5. When your niece/nephew does gross things, it doesn’t even freak you out because you love them so much. Your nephew spits up all over your new dress? It’s fine! Look at his chunky little face! How could you be mad at that?
6. Not being able to be around your niece(s)/nephew(s) all the time seriously breaks your heart. You kiss them a million times before you leave and you still miss them the second you’re gone.
7. You were never a kid person before but somehow that doesn’t matter because these kids are THE BEST. Now, you’re standing in line at the grocery store and a little kid smiles at you and you just turn into a mush puddle. You’re now officially a kid person.
8. You call your siblings just to be able to talk to your niece(s)/nephew(s) and hear about their day. It doesn’t matter that your niece mostly wants to talk to you about the latest Peppa the Pig plot. You’ll listen for hours.
9. You show everyone pictures of your niece(s)/nephew(s). You know how other people show pictures of their dogs at parties? Yeah, you show your babies.
10. Even on an awful day, your niece(s)/nephew(s) can make you smile. You might be crying on a subway car in the afternoon but when you get to that evening FaceTime call, all is well again.
11. No one makes you laugh harder than your niece(s)/nephew(s). WHY ARE THEY SO FUNNY AND WITTY AND SASSY? Half your conversations are just you repeating things the kids say.
12. Being an aunt makes everything new again. When you’re with your niece, you see the world through her eyes and basically everything is delightful and interesting. When you’re holding your nephew and he’s cooing at you, it seems like the greatest thing that has ever happened.