Farah Ayaad
An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.
What It’s Like To Love A Wild Woman
A wild woman is scary because she is a dream you have given-up on, a dream you’ve never thought would come true after all the broken promises, the disappointments and the heartache.
You Want Me, I Want You, How Come This Is Goodbye?
The way we end our relationships with people says a lot about who we are because our character goes under test when we are not at our best, when we are doubtful, confused, or hurt.
4 Things We Should Not Be Afraid Of Doing If We Want To Go Far in Life
Mistakes make us wiser in the sense that they teach us patience, persistence, and compassion. They remind us that we are human, they remind us that we are not right all of the time, they remind us that we have so much to learn from life.