Farah Ayaad
An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.
39 Romantic Things I Think About Whenever I Look You In The Eye
You’re worth it. The time. The effort. The risk. The love. You’re are worthy.
19 Everyday Struggles Only Cynical Romantics Will Understand
You don’t buy it when someone tells you they’ll be there for you. You have been there before. You know better.
I Want To Matter In 2017
I want to love myself in a way that I don’t have to second guess whether I don’t because it’s unquestionable.
You Took The Future Away From Us And All That We Could Be
You took away a family. You took away a dream.
This Is What You Deserve To Let Go Of Forever In 2017
Let go of your failed relationships. Let go of how things turned out. Let go of the way you let someone go, and let go of how someone let you go. Let go of the words you said but most importantly, let go of the words you didn’t say.
When They Disappear Out Of The Blue Without A Warning
They’ve been prepared to leave the first day you met. And they made-up their mind the moment both of you felt something real and undeniable; something terrifying.
We Are Nothing, We Had Something But It’s Dead Now
You gave all these people the one thing I really wanted. A fucking chance.
A Letter To Assholes: Here’s Why She’ll Never Come Back And You’ll Never Forget Her
She wanted magic and you gave her the illusion of it.
6 Major Things To Do Before The End Of 2016 That Will Change Everything
Be brave. Be fearless. Go after what you really want. Stop settling and stop lowering your standards. You deserve the best. Go meet your future someone, won’t you already?
What Happens When A Dreamer And A Cynic Fall In Love
Dreamers love magic, cynics love logic. Dreamers drive cynics wild, cynics keep dreamers safe. Dreamers run towards love, cynics run away from it.
A Relationship Virgin: When The Normal Things Become Complicated
You want to be with that person in that way but you got so accustomed to sleeping alone all these years that you don’t know how to share your bed with someone.
The Choice: The Asshole VS The Nice Guy
The nice guy mends your heart while the asshole breaks it.
What He Says VS What He Really Means
“If I get with someone after this, it will be with a girl who’s a lot like you.” Translation: You’re everything I want but you don’t match that picture perfect I had in my head.
The L Word: Things He’s Not Telling You
It’s like you are searching for something you know is out there, you see it and feel it but just can’t seem to touch it.
The FOMO Syndrome: Things He’s Not Telling You
He’s always engaged with someone but never to someone, moving from one woman to the other. He’s so terrified with the idea of devoting his time and energy to one person, and so scared to invest his feelings and hopes in someone.
I’m Not Sorry I Left, I’m Sorry I Stayed
Darling, I choose losing you over losing myself and I would rather be abandoned by you than be abandoned by me.
Falling In Love With One Asshole After The Other, Here’s What I Learned
Assholes show us what we deserve, we show them what they don’t.
Surviving Rock Bottom Before You Reach The Sky
You become some sort of powerful because you were there when nobody else was.