woman taking selfie

In 2021, I Am Manifesting These 8 Things

1. Self-Acceptance

I am manifesting loving myself for who I am right now. I am manifesting the beauty behind my imperfections, flaws, and shortcomings. I am manifesting honoring my huge heart, pure soul, and beautiful body. I am manifesting the growth of my strengths and the awareness of my weaknesses. I am manifesting forgiveness for the hurt I caused and the hurt I experienced. I am manifesting acceptance for my mistakes. I am manifesting ownership of my life. I am manifesting the love that’s already within me. I am manifesting the connection I have been hungry for my whole life.

2. Trauma Healing

I am manifesting healing from my childhood trauma. I am manifesting liberation from insecurities that stayed with me since childhood. I am manifesting healing from dysfunctional family dynamics. I am manifesting liberation from my fear of abandonment and feeling not enough. I am manifesting healing from all the trauma bonds I have with people who are not good for my soul. Adding to that, I am manifesting liberation from my attachment to them, feelings for them, and thoughts of them.

3. Spiritual Awakening

I am manifesting soul-searching. I am manifesting a bigger sense of purpose. I am manifesting peace in my life. I am manifesting spiritual practices. I am manifesting learning about chakras, the laws of the universe, and other things I am not aware of. I am manifesting living in the moment.

In 2021, I am manifesting a happier, healthier, braver me.

4. Emotional Growth

I am manifesting more emotional intelligence. I am manifesting deepening my knowledge of my love language and those around me. I am manifesting expressing my emotions in a healthy way. I am manifesting understanding my big feelings, where they come from, and what they actually mean. I am manifesting asking for the love I need from others and how I want to be loved. I am manifesting protecting my emotional boundaries and sticking to them, especially when it means losing someone I care about.

5. Mental Wellness

I am manifesting going to therapy and going regularly. I am manifesting reading books and articles on mental well-being. I am manifesting watching more Youtube and Ted Talks of those who are experts on the topic. I am manifesting listening to podcasts that enrich my human experience of living a life that is mentally balanced. I am manifesting following accounts on social media that positively contribute to my mental health. The accounts that brighten my day, inspire me, and challenge me.

6. Financial Stability

I am manifesting a job that I believe in, am passionate about, and enjoy. I am manifesting a credit card score in a good standing because all my hard work went to shit after I became unemployed. I am manifesting paying my bills on time because it makes me feel like I have my life together. I am manifesting growing my savings account so I can get some things checked off my bucket list like getting a Golden Retriever, more tattoos, merch that I have been digging lately, and let’s be honest, more Sephora things that I don’t need but WANT.

7. Physical Fitness

I am manifesting becoming active when it comes to my physical well-being instead of remaining passive. I am manifesting coming-up with an achievable action plan by starting small so I do not overwhelm myself. I am manifesting getting myself out of my place for the sole purpose of movement once a week, maybe for a walk or a run. I am manifesting a physical activity that brings me joy like boxing or swimming. I am manifesting a healthy diet because that is never a bad thing to manifest.

8. Healthy Relationships

I am manifesting a healthy relationship with the most important person in my life: myself. I am manifesting a healthy relationship with the creator. I am manifesting a healthy relationship with the environment that is based on respect and selflessness. I am manifesting more compassion and empathy in my relationship with my parents. I am manifesting healthy friendships with people that are balanced, loving, and understanding. I am manifesting healthy connections with the people I work with. I am manifesting letting go of the resentment I have for my exes by practicing gratitude and radical acceptance. I am manifesting having kind, educational responses to trolls and haters on social media.

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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