Why You Should Keep A Bucket List With Your Partner

You should keep a bucket list with your partner because it puts your partnership into test. It actually shows you how much your partner has your back, how much they support you, and how much they want what’s best for you. It allows you to see the way your partner sees you. That way you know if you are compatible long term or not, because at the end of the day, you should be with someone who doesn’t rob you of your time, energy, and all the love you have to give.

You should keep a bucket list with your partner because it helps you grow together. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, and with discomfort comes growth. A bucket list with your partner gives you space as a couple to be there for each other in ways you haven’t before. It’s like having a lifetime membership with endless ultimate getaways; your relationship becomes full of challenges and adventures. The other thing about having a bucket list with your partner is that you both continue to evolve and become better with each goal crossed off your bucket list.

You should keep a bucket list with your partner because it inspires you to live your best life. A bucket list with your partner motivates you to be better for yourself and your partner. You see your partner killing it and it inspires you to do the same. It keeps you grounded so when you’re faced with a challenge, you push through instead of giving up, because you know that you’re not just doing it for yourself, you’re doing it for the both of you. People will look at you with a little bit of jealousy and look up to you at the same time.

You should keep a bucket list with your partner because it magnifies your passion. Having a bucket list of the things you want to accomplish in life individually and together increases the attraction and connection you have with each other. You begin to admire your partner and respect them more than ever because you see their commitment, not only to themselves or their life, but also their commitment to you and to the life you share together.

You should keep a bucket list with your partner because it makes you grateful. You become thankful for them and how much they add to your life. You start to see how truly blessed you are for being able to accomplish these goals and discover these places, as well as having the opportunity to do them with the person you’re sharing your life with. You become more appreciative and loyal for the life you have built with your partner. Your priorities will fall right into place. You won’t need to seek happiness because happiness is already your state of mind. You will want to come home to them more than ever because you know that every day, you will be coming back to your best friend, support system, and love, all in one person. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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