The Best Revenge Is Self-Love
God & Man

You’ll Be Sorry You Let Me Go

I’ll be sorry I didn’t let you go earlier, but you’ll be sorry you let me go in the first place.


I’ll be sorry I didn’t let you go earlier, but you’ll be sorry you let me go in the first place.

You’ll be sorry you let me go because of who you let go when you let me go. You didn’t let go of a fling or a fake love, you let go of the real deal kind of love.

You didn’t let go of someone who criticizes and judges you, you let go of someone who accepts and understands you. You didn’t let go of someone who breaks you, you let go of someone who builds you up.

You didn’t let go of someone who doesn’t make you happy, you let go of someone who does. You didn’t abandon someone who was never there for you, you abandoned the person who never left your side. You didn’t give up on someone who didn’t believe in you, you gave up on the person who fought for you. And you didn’t say goodbye to someone because you deserve better, you said goodbye because they deserve better.

You’ll be sorry you let me go because only then you’ll realize that what you were looking for was standing in front of you this whole time.

It’s easy to be with someone who wants to have a good time with you. Show me someone who wants to stay by your side when things are tough and ugly. It’s easy to be with someone who doesn’t care. Show me someone who cares about what’s going on in your life. It’s easy to be with someone who lets you be yourself. Show me someone who calls you out on your shit. It’s easy to be with someone who tells you sweet things. Show me someone who tells you the truth. It’s easy to be with someone who meets you halfway. Show me someone who meets you on the other side of the bridge. It’s easy to be with someone who loves you on your good days. Show me someone who loves you when you can’t love yourself.

You’ll be sorry you let me go because one day, you’ll realize this.

You’ll realize that you wonder what could have been, and I’m well rested because I gave it my all. You’ll realize that you wish you made me a part of your future, but I’m glad I’m a part of your past.

You’ll realize that you regret you let me go while I’m grateful for how things tuned out. You’ll realize that it was you, not me. You’ll realize that no one will understand you because you don’t understand yourself yet. You’ll realize that you’ll never find your “perfect” person because they don’t exist in first place. You’ll realize that no one will ever be good enough for you because you are not good enough yourself. You’ll realize that your heart and your mind will never choose the same person because they are always in disagreement and not because the person isn’t right.

You’ll realize that you didn’t just let me go, you let go of love, friendship, support system, and hope. Thought Catalog Logo Mark