Date Someone Who Makes You Think You Are Crazy 

Twenty20 / @meganmeza

Date someone who makes you think you’re out of your mind for not believing in love, for not taking risks, for not standing-up for something. Date someone who makes you think you were wrong for giving-up on love, for not trying hard enough, for not fighting one more battle. Date someone who shows you all the things you’ve been missing out.

Date someone who makes you think you’re crazy for the way they make you feel. Date someone who  makes you so happy and so sad at the same time because you have something so precious. Date someone who makes you feel everything at once because only then you’ll feel alive. Date someone who shows you what real loss is because they’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before.

Date someone who makes you feel loved, wanted, adored, understood: worshiped.

Date someone who makes you think you’re crazy because you see things when you look them in the eye. Date someone with depth in their eyes as big as the ocean. Date someone who restores your faith in magic because their eyes unfold one galaxy after the other. Date someone who you don’t see potential in their eyes because you’re captured by the future you see instead. Date someone who makes you feel strong when you look them in the eye. Date someone who makes you feel safe just by giving you a look, that one look. Date someone who makes you dream when you look at them because they’ll inspire you to accomplish the impossible. Date someone who you see beauty in their eyes because they’ll make you a better person. Date someone who makes you see because they’ll give your eyes a whole different perception. Date someone who makes you think you’re so lucky for witnessing a rare phenomena because their eyes hold a different world, a Universe on its own.

Date someone who makes you think you’re crazy because you’re losing control. Date someone who makes you want to blurt out how you feel, what you are thinking, who you are. Date someone who makes your rational disappear because they’ll make you run towards danger.

Date someone who silences your insecurities because they’ll let you own your perfections. Date someone who disappoints your fears because they’ll offer you the life you’ve always been hungry for.

Date someone who makes you want to dance all night because you stop the rhythm. Date someone who makes you sing in the shower and be kind to assholes because you just don’t give a fuck. Date someone who keeps you up at night because the reality is better than a dream. Date someone who makes you think you’re crazy because truth is you’re crazy, so crazy. in. love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Farah Ayaad

An Arab at heart. A writer in the making. A unicorn wannabe.

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