17 Things I Learned From My Grandfather

Photo by Everardo Esquivel
Photo by Everardo Esquivel

Life changes suddenly, in the less expected moment; some people just leave us and won’t ever come back. Dying is the only part of our fate that we can take for granted, though the circumstances are unknown until the moment we have to face it.
Gramps died one month ago, embarking on the road to a place that I’d like to think is funnier than here; to a place with thousands of sports channels or a bowling room, maybe.

Don Mario, as most people used to call him, played a fundamental role in my life and I think that the best way that I can pay homage to his memory will be to share a little bit about all the things he taught me about life-and about myself-after all, someone who lived 87 years can teach us a lot.

Thanks to my grandfather I learned:

1. How to save money.

2. That I don’t like soccer and that, from now and on, every time I watch a game it will remind me of him.

3. That mixing brandy with coke and lemon juice results in a delicious, refreshing beverage.

4. That all those foods we should not eat are the tastiest ones.

5. To make a pun of everything.

6. That being over 87 y/o doesn’t mean you can’t play bowling anymore.

7. To fix (and enhance) stuff with just a few wires, tape and imagination.

8. That there is more than one type of screwdriver.

9. To always make jokes – and smile – no matter the situation.

10. That wrinkles might hide the most mischievous kid.

11. That you can forget things and asking the same questions again is not wrong.

12. That you can be appreciated, even loved, by everyone and it’s just a matter of being kind.

13. That friendship is not conditioned by social status or age, but by willing to always give people a sweet smile.

14. To slow down and walk one step at the time. Life goes really fast and we will never be able to walk at its pace but we can still walk it next to our loved ones.

15. That it doesn’t matter your age, if you are passionate about something, you can keep doing it. Or you must keep trying, at least.

16. That wise men are those who forget what they learned and live according to their own rules.

17. That true love is not conditioned by blood bonds. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

featured image – Shutterstock

About the author

Ever Esquivel

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