Hymen In Denial


“Virginity is a social construct.” And so hands-on-hips liberal contrarianism has again parted its lips (but not its labia) to decry yet another youthful rite of passage as a falsehood created to oppress us, or, to be more precise, to oppress white teenagers from nice neighborhoods. This adds to our list yet another in a long line of “false constructs,” as opposed to those true ones we’re always hearing about. After all that running around trying to get laid and practicing oral on the weird chick so you don’t fuck up with the girl you actually want, it turns out that having any sexual experience meant nothing. Virginity is not a concept that quite clearly emerged from a literal bleeding hole. Nah, it’s just about Machiavellis shaming high-school girls into sex.

I mean, it’s not like the feminists pushing this “virginity isn’t real” thing are shallow nerd girls who’ve never been fucked. It’s not that they’re denying the existence of something that embarrasses them. It’s not as if they’re hiding under a mask of skeptical faux intellectualism in order to deep-six a lack of sexual proficiency from their long list of insecurities, a list which at this point might be longer than their list of “false social constructs.” I’m sure we’ll soon be hearing about how experience was designed to oppress the young. Then the youth of today will not only be free of the social stigma that one has to get laid, but also the impetus of having to do anything, ever. Once expertise is labeled a false social construct, falling in line with race, virginity, capital, and all of those other things the left likes to obsess over while denying their existence, we’ll have a liberal-making machine, a long line of young people who are absolutely dead-set on making the world better yet have no idea how to do it.

God knows we’ve heard that sobriety is a social construct. And it’s not only nerds who can’t find a minority to get them drugs who are saying this. You can’t do a line of Adderall at a party without fellow suburbanites swarming you with offers to buy what they think is cocaine. To the average suburban teenager, hard drugs are a fact of high school, their existence certified by the years of warnings their teachers and parents have given them.

Virginity-deniers can come from the same class of kids that become straight-edge geeks after going to a show and getting shaky when they see someone shooting up, mainly because like most kids they have an urge to fit in, and even inexperience in shit such as this can threaten their attempts at being “assimilated” into the right crowd. You can’t throw a mutilated black cat in my school without hitting a popular kid who, embarrassed that their cool will be thrown off if people know they’re a virgin, decides that what they’re afraid of simply doesn’t exist.

I haven’t come across this phenomenon in males yet. I’m sure there are some unfuckable trans kids somewhere who would challenge me on that, but we wouldn’t be able to go on past the initial argument. Teenage boys are like rabid dogs when it comes to getting laid. Finally getting laid doesn’t change that. The next week it feels like it never happened. Even if sex sucks for the guy and doesn’t for the girl, the guy is still probably more eager to go at it again, if only to make it right. Starve them of sex for a bit and they go just as nuts as when they had no experience of it. Give us a shot, and the boys will be back to where they started a week later, cold and starving for that age-old false construct. Maybe that’s why we’re a tad more resistant to bullshit than females. Ecce homo, here we are, starving for contact.

Women are more patient. Because of that, they can come up with pseudo-intellectual liberal-arts style arguments to extract years of inexperience in the subject around which ninety-nine percent of human experience revolves. Frankly, I often find sex boring. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to deny that there is a difference between something having happened and not having happened. If this argument was “Consent is a false social construct,” whose side do you think your liberal-arts college feminist club would be on? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Evan Hatcher

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