Erin Cinney

Let go or be dragged.

Articles by
Erin Cinney

Sometimes The Bad Moments Add Up To Something Good

I’m back here in the now for a moment, just taking in the fresh air and the brief relief from carrying the past few moments, days, weeks. I internally roll my eyes at the realization that I’m living one of those clichés where you stop climbing the mountain and just enjoy the view. I find that this moment is as fleeting as cotton candy on the tongue, but twice as sweet.

Believe Me — You Will Be Happy Again

You have to believe that those things you’ve been wanting to feel aren’t lost forever, but rather lying dormant while you gather up the experiences and tools and strength to carry you through your life.

Be Thankful When People Show You Who They Really Are

Sometimes I look back and feel remorse at how many people close to me I have lost this year. But now I am learning to see it instead as how much confidence I must have finally gained in order to put my emotional needs first.