This Finance Bro Flirted With A Female Reporter Over Twitter During An Active Shooter Situation Because Of Course He Did

"I'll cry if anything happens to that smile."


The U.S. House of Representatives offices in DC were on lockdown this morning while Capitol police searched for a woman in a floral print dress who they thought had a gun.

While this ultimately turned out to be nothing, police advised everyone to shelter in place while they investigated.

Katherine Scott, the only reporter in the House chamber, tweeted out the following update as she sheltered in place.

Kathering Scott

One finance bro decided this was the perfect time to flirt because of course he did.


Even odder, this isn’t just some doofy guy. He’s a co-founder of an actual business called EquitySense.

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Some recognized this was inappropriate considering the threat on the Capitol could well have been both real and deadly.

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But our Finance bro, Gavin M., co-founder of a very real finance business called EquitySense, took great pride in his work, retweeting to show it off.

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