Emma Golden

Dallas-based writer for Thought Catalog. Curly hair, bright lips, big mouth.
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A Love Letter To My Shower

Dear my new shower, I love you. No, really. I love you. And I’ve never said that to any other shower before – I swear.

How Girls Really Are: Fantasy Vs. Reality

I live alone. Correction: I’m a lady who lives alone. Because of these facts, I do some pretty weird things since no one is around to judge me except for my mirrors and own ego. For example, I sing.

If I Were A Boy…

Too many times to count I’ve thought to myself “I wonder what it would be like to have a penis for a day. No, a week. Make that a week.

On Being 25, And A Woman

Before Britney Spears married Kevin Federline, shaved her head and attacked a car with an umbrella, she did one thing right.