10 Signs You Might Actually Be An Old Soul

I have always felt different since I was a kid.

I felt like I looked at the world with a bigger lens. I soaked in people’s stories and emotions like a sponge. I felt things about people and could “read” them intuitively very well.

To me, an old soul is one who has a heightened sensitivity to life. Someone who has the ability to think deeper beyond the surface and generate wisdom from within.

Whenever I think of an old soul, I think of these traits.

1. You’re empathetic

Old souls tend to be highly empathic individuals. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. They are sensitive to everyone’s needs but their own. They want to rescue. They want to heal you. They know what someone is feeling without asking. They know that something is up without knowing how or why. Empathy is the ability to share and understand the feelings of another. Old souls tend to carry this trait and gift. Sometimes we resent the ability to feel so deeply, and other times it is a blessing in disguise.

2. You’re a great listener

Old souls make great listeners. They love to be the ear in the relationship. They make it easy to talk to about anything. Have you ever engaged in conversation with a stranger and found they open up to you easily? They may have said you are so easy to talk to or comfortable to be around.

3. You love to advice

Old souls love to give advice. It’s in their blood. They can’t help themselves. Maybe you are the therapist in many of your relationships. People may see you as the coach, mentor, or healer. People turn to you for advice and want direction. You inspire them. Your words comfort them.

4. You’re an amazing storyteller

You love to tell stories. You may be great at sharing stories on the past, of lessons learned, funny moments, jokes, realizations, triumphs, and tragedies. This is a gift and a way to continue the art of storytelling.

5. You’re creative

The old soul tends to be creative, whether that be through art, music, spoken word, writing, cooking, or design. You may have an eye for creative projects, DIY at-home ideas, or have a visionary mind.

6. You’re a legacy builder

Every so often I meet the legacy builders. These old souls crave leaving behind a memorable legacy. They care about impacting the lives of many people. They care about what they leave behind and who it goes to. They want to create movements and touch masses with their gifts and message.

7. They love anything classic

Old souls love the classics. Classic cars, music, books, style. You might be the person who has a vintage collection or love the smell of old books. Maybe you crave the sound of classical music in the mornings or enjoy going on tours of old historical sites.

8. You’re very into being of service

You love to be of service to the world. Old souls love to give. They will give their time. They will give their energy. They will give opportunity. They never ask for anything in return. Part of their mission in the world is to be of service, and it truly makes them happy.

9. You’re intuitive

You listen to your intuition. You make decisions with a balance of your analytical and emotional mind. You trust yourself with confidence and have let go of second guessing your inner voice. Your intuition has guided you through the unknown and manifested unforeseen possibilities.

10. You’re self-aware

Old souls are some of the most self-aware people you will cross paths with. They are in touch with the essence of who they are. They know their core values. They live lives that are truly a reflection of their core values.

Old souls tend to be on a mission to self-actualization and freedom.

So if you are an old soul, I celebrate you and the work you’ve done and continue to do. May you live long and wise. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Emily Stroia

I’m a meditation teacher, self-help writer and mom.