Exactly How Erika Jayne Girardi Spends $40,000 A Month On Her Appearance

Erika Jayne Instagram

Update: Since the publication of this article in 2018, Erika and Tom Girardi have been implicated in a major financial scandal. According to a bombshell article in The Los Angeles Times, it appears the couple took $2 million dollars from families of people killed in a plane crash. Tom Girardi’s firm had represented the families in a class action lawsuit. The couple’s assets are now frozen and a judge has appointee a trustee to take over their estate. The couple may end up behind bars.

Erika Girardi said in 2018 that her alter-ego Erika Jayne was born because she was SO wealthy it became boring to buy material things. She told People, “There are only so many material things you can have before it becomes boring. There are only so many dinners, so many things you can buy. I was complacent. I was in a wealthy coma and I wasn’t looking inward.”

Now the star looks inward with a $40,000/month beauty habit. I tried to break down where it all goes:


[*] Erika has 3 walk in closets with mostly high end clothing.

[*] “High end” clothing includes basics, the Givenchy t-shirts and sweatshirts she sported last season run $500-1,000 each.

[*] Erika says her shoes are “mostly Christian Louboutin” which are at least $700 each.

[*] You can see a virtual tour of her closet(s) here.

Glam squad

[*] Instead of finding local people for nails, hair and makeup while she travels, Erika flies her glam squad and pays for hotels so they can always be with her.

[*] She also has to pay either a salary or enough money to keep in demand beauty talent available for use, this would add up to hefty monthly fees.

[*] She also pays for Mikey, her creative director, to be on her staff so that he can help style her, create looks, and guide her branding as Erika Jayne.

Body care

[*] Included in the $40,000 could be gym and personal training fees, waxing, spray-tanning, spa treatments, and anything else that wouldn’t be included with a normal glam squad.

Cosmetic procedures

[*] Erika hasn’t commented on whether she includes cosmetic procedures like botox in her estimate, but it wouldn’t be uncommon in the Real Housewives world (or even just in Los Angeles) to have a regular routine and monthly budget for this.

At the end of the day Erika’s job is to sell herself as an entertainer and gay icon. Her indulgent self-care routine and all the publicity about it are definitely helping her achieve her goal. She’s one of the most beautiful and edgy 46-year-olds in recent history. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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