Emilia Azar
Articles by
Emilia Azar
I Ditched My High Paying-Job To Hang Out In The Mountains And I’ve Never Been Happier
This was not a life anyone was making me continue with. I had the ability to change my environment and my job. All I needed to do was take that step. So I moved across the country to Colorado.
9 Ways You Can Adult In A New City
Figure out your favorite exercise and the best time of the day to do it.
A Lesson From Swedish House Mafia
“You’re how old? 22? Oh you have your entire life ahead of you.”
I Attempted To Cross The Nicaraguan Border Without A Boarding Pass While Suffering From A Crippling Anxiety Disorder
“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance.
Why I’m Going To Learn How To Surf
And then, the inevitable happened. He fell off.