God, Thank You For Loving Me — Even Though I’m Unworthy

The Creative Exchange

You know all my messes and imperfections, yet You still say You love me. You’ve seen me through the moments when I doubted, complained, and blamed You. You saw me in the moments in which I decided not to keep caring, moments when I wanted to give up. You saw me through the moments in which I hurt others with my words, lies, and actions. You saw me when I would hurt myself as I looked into the mirror with disgust. You saw me in the moments when I was weak, beaten, and stained by my own sin. You saw the worst secrets that my heart had hidden. You heard the worst words come out of my lips. Words that pierced and that would slowly kill my soul. You saw me in my worst moments. You saw all of my sin…yet You still said that You loved me.

You still told me that You had come to die for me. You still told me that You had come to give me new life and life in abundance. You still took my dirty body in Your loving arms. You took me in and made it clear to satan that I was Yours. You fought for me. You fought with blood for my soul. But Your fighting was not violent. Your fight was won as You got beaten for me. Your fight was won as others mocked You and spit on You. You didn’t open Your mouth like I would have done. You walked all the way to Calvary with a heavy cross on Your back. A cross that was drenched with my sin. Knowing who I was going to be, You still carried it. Knowing how many times I would be ungrateful, You still carried it. Knowing how many times I would fail and fall short to Your grace, You still carried it. You carried and defeated my sin. Your love was greater than anything bad I could have done. Your love spoke louder than my filthy sin. You washed me and saved my life. You saved my soul.

You know me better than anyone…and You still say to this day that You love me. You still help me up when I fall down. You guide me in moments when I wander off. You keep me close to You. Thank You Lord. Thank You for still loving me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Elyana Rausa

And one day she discovered that she is fierce and brave, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her God burned brighter than her fears.

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