Ellie-Kate Stocking

The Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling is my favorite book

Articles by
Ellie-Kate Stocking

3 Things You Can Only Learn From Your Ex’s Ex

After being in an off and on relationship for 3 years and being one of the 3 girls that got cycled around on a never ending dating loop I longed for someone who understood me, who understood him.

If I Think About Erasing The Past 14 Hours

I kept thinking that maybe the next sleep would erase the previous 14 hours, but I was awoken throughout the night with an ache in my heart. An ache that doesn’t seem to be healing anytime soon.

6 Ways To Successfully Lose Weight When You Suffer From Depression

There will be some days where you emotionally can’t muster up the strength or discipline and you will give into the nice sweet call that your bed is making at 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday. If you find yourself in this predicament, don’t be hard on yourself. This will only make things worse.