Ellen Nguyen

I help people understand themselves better and create a life they love

For The Days You Just Want To Die

Today when you wake up, you just feel like shit. You look into a mirror and you see all the things that should not be there. Everything seems wrong. Everyone seems to be out to get you.

5 Dating Struggles Any Introvert Would Understand

I can’t remember how many times I had to tell the person I was on a date with that I’m being quiet doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying myself, it’s just my way of being (and probably my resting bitch face), and that their rambling is actually much appreciated.

Love Should Be Effortless

When it comes to love, you don’t have to try. Yes, you should try to be kind, polite, considerate, to be a better person, like you always should anyway, but you don’t have to try to be someone you essentially are not.