/ epicurean

15 Things Anyone Who Has Had The Same Best Friend Since Childhood Knows To Be True

You're no longer just best friends. You're like arms and legs on one body. You're each other's family and soulmate.

By / epicurean / epicurean

1. You’re each other’s number one cheerleader. You support and love each other no matter what, and it goes without saying. Sometimes even words can’t describe how important and special this friendship is to you.

2. Whenever something bad happens or you do something you’re not proud of, as soon as you tell them and have their acknowledgement, you feel understood and 10 times better already.

3. You rarely have to explain anything to them because they understand your viewpoints and you two are weirdly always on the same wavelength. You definitely have many times finished each other’s sentences.

4. You know each other’s family well and treat them like your own family. Your catch-up conversation often includes, “How’s your mom/dad/sister/brother doing??” and it’s not just small talk — you actually care about the answer.

5. If they date someone and this person is formally introduced to you, you know it must be the real deal.

6. You love reminiscing together. Somehow you two always remember the same things so before one of you even finishes saying “hey, remember that time…” the other already knows what’s going to come up and burst into laughing. Needless to say, inside jokes are countless and always funny as ever.

7. You also love talking about the future and get ridiculously excited when you think about how your children would become best friends too.

8. You two have passed so many different stages of life, moved on from countless social circles together and somehow each time you have always loved and hated the same people. If there’s any of their friends you aren’t friends with yet, they probably already hear all about you and now think you’re the coolest person ever.

9. When you’re with them, you’re your best. There’s this endless positive energy that makes you feel like everything is possible. The best part is that, even the most serious, dangerous situations can turn into something funny when experienced together. You would just laugh about it and life suddenly feels light and easy.

10. Your friendship minds no time and distance. Even when you’re half the globe apart, whenever you see and talk to each other, it feels like yesterday again. You can pick it right up where it was left off and feel instantly close like you had never gone anywhere.

11. You might have grown into different people and taken different paths but when you’re around each other, you’re still the same kid you were years ago — pure and simple, and you realize essentially nothing has changed between the two of you. And that’s how this precious friendship keeps your feet firm on the ground.

12. Knowing there’s someone who has seen you completely unfiltered, who knows you so, so well — sometimes even better than you do yourself — and still loves you regardless gives you utmost strength and confidence. It pulls you together and keeps you going in the toughest times.

13. Sometimes you wonder how you could’ve survived all those years without them by your side. Like seriously, it’s unimaginable! Then you suddenly miss them terribly much and want to tell them again and again how much you love them and how amazing they are.

14. Given how long you’ve known each other and how much you’ve been through together, even the label ‘bestfriend’ sounds lame. You’re no longer just bestfriends. You’re like arms and legs on one body. You’re each other’s family and soulmate.

15. You probably don’t say it often enough but you’re extremely grateful for having them in your life and you’ve always thought it’s one of the best things that have ever happened to you. When it comes to this friendship, you want to believe in forever and you try your best to make it true.Thought Catalog Logo Mark