Ella Ceron

Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)

If Men Got Periods: An Inner Monologue

Oh, great. Period zit. Eh, maybe I can say it’s an ingrown hair. Maybe I should grow a beard. Yeah, a beard would cover it. I’d look so bad-ass with a beard. Like the second coming of Tim Howard. Or Jesus. Jesus Howard.

27 Differences Between College And The “Real World”

College: “Wooooo, semester abroad! I’m gonna do so many questionable things with my life! What happens in Prague stays in Prague, baby!!” The Real World: Leaving the immediate vicinity of your neighborhood on the weekend counts, right?

Why You Need To Do The Things That Scare You

Because what if we fail? What if we never recover? What if, what if, what if? But what if we don’t? What if we do the scariest thing of all — what if we actually get everything we ever wanted?