Elizabeth Stone
5 Common Mistakes That Make Any Relationship Fail Too Soon
Fear is one of the most detrimental forces in relationships. When you start to cling, you come off as very insecure.
How To Stop Overanalyzing In Your New Relationship
Have you ever started dating someone and begun overanalyzing how things are going? I know I have, in the beginning stages of a new relationship it can be so hard to not go over everything repeatedly in a vain attempt to either gain control or divine the future.
9 Ways To Rebuild Your Relationship After You Admit To Cheating
I have never believed, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” I think that people are capable of making big mistakes that they regret and vow to never repeat. It really is possible to move on after cheating, but it takes a LOT of work.
Friends With Benefits Is The Worst Thing You Can Start With A Friend
I have to confess something. I hate the term “friends with benefits” with a passion. It sounds like you’re adding value to a business deal or buying a car.
11 Dumb Ways People Unconsciously Mess Up When Dating Someone New
I understand the temptation to get really excited when you finally meet someone you like.
Just make sure that you aren’t doing things that send people running for the hills without realizing it.
10 Things You Should And Shouldn’t Do While Fighting With Your Significant Other
Ahh, fighting. How a couple argues can make or break their relationship.
5 Unforgivable Relationship Mistakes I Made (So You Don’t Have To)
You can either bemoan the fact that you attract weirdoes, or you can try to make the weirdo cycle shorter and stop attracting them altogether. Here is what I learned from this failed, embarrassing, hapless relationship.
6 Signs Your Commitmentphobia Is Flaring Up (And For Good Reason)
One huge fear of mine has always been picking out the wrong person and getting stuck with them for good, too afraid to dump them because someone better might never come along. This is settling at its worst, and I’ve always been afraid that somehow I’ll get stuck there, half unhappy and half happy, wondering what I should do next.
The 7-Step Plan To Get Over Someone And Move On With Your Life
You must remove all triggers that make you think of this person. As you’re doing it, it’s okay to cry, relive those memories and say goodbye. I promise this will all feel better soon.
This Is For Those Who Struggle With Relationships Because They’re Control Freaks
Have you had your partner mention that you’re a control freak? Do you feel uncomfortable when things don’t go the way you would expect?
11 Terrible Acts Of Self-Sabotage That Drive Your Partner Away From The Relationship
Relationship self-sabotage can stem from a variety of negative beliefs about one’s lovability, future and past relationships. If someone truly believes that aren’t deserving of love, they’ll make completely sure that they don’t maintain a happy relationship for long.
Disagreements Lead To Happier Relationships — Trust Me!
Constructive arguments demonstrate that you’re both still passionately involved in the outcome of the relationship.
Here’s Some Low-Key Signs Your Ex Totally Wants You Back
If you’re hoping to get back together with your ex, then this is for you.
8 Ways You Can Deal With Rejection Like A Rockstar
Getting upset about rejection simply bogs you down. Moping around is frankly a waste of time. The sooner you can get over it and move on, the sooner you can get back out there to meet someone great. Here’s how to deal with rejection like a rockstar.
8 Negative Attitudes You Possess That Push Men Away From You
If you are harboring negative attitudes about what men want and who they are, this likely causing you real problems with cultivating a strong, healthy relationship with one who deeply loves you.
You Might Be Driving Your Partner Away With Your Controlling Behavior
Today, I have to make a confession.
12 Signs The Guy You’re Seeing Is A Loser Who’s Wasting Your Time
Does it feel like your relationship is a roller coaster that you just can’t seem to step off of? Do you go from happy to sad at the drop of a hat? Have you stayed up late picking your friends brains about your man’s behavior?
The Key To A Successful Marriage Might Be Subtle Selfishness
I’ve noticed that there’s a monumental difference between making mindful sacrifices for the good of the whole in a relationship and sacrificing yourself. Often, we’re prone to sacrificing ourselves for our relationships.