Elizabeth Stone

How To Stop Overanalyzing In Your New Relationship

Have you ever started dating someone and begun overanalyzing how things are going? I know I have, in the beginning stages of a new relationship it can be so hard to not go over everything repeatedly in a vain attempt to either gain control or divine the future.

6 Signs Your Commitmentphobia Is Flaring Up (And For Good Reason)

One huge fear of mine has always been picking out the wrong person and getting stuck with them for good, too afraid to dump them because someone better might never come along. This is settling at its worst, and I’ve always been afraid that somehow I’ll get stuck there, half unhappy and half happy, wondering what I should do next.

8 Ways You Can Deal With Rejection Like A Rockstar

Getting upset about rejection simply bogs you down. Moping around is frankly a waste of time. The sooner you can get over it and move on, the sooner you can get back out there to meet someone great. Here’s how to deal with rejection like a rockstar.