Elizabeth Stone
5 Ways To Accept Your Breakup Instead Of Regretting It
Ever broken up with someone and wished you could take it all back? You might WANT to get over it, but you heart seems to have other ideas.
9 Ways To Keep Your Ex From Emotionally Ruining Your Existence
To stop thinking about them, you’ll need to stop talking about them, but first, get it all out.
4 Clear Signs Your Ex Is Dying To Get Back With You
Often in an effort to right the wrongs of a failed relationship, an ex will try to change all of the things that their ex didn’t like about them.
9 Texts You’re Better Off Not Sending To Your Ex (No Matter How Badly You Want To)
Whether your ex wants to hear from you or not, just sending out a “hi” with nothing else makes you look weak AND like you’re not sure where you’re going with this.
6 Signs You’re Letting Your Partner Walk All Over You, And How To Stop
Too often we think that men are a limited time offer, where if we resist what they want in the moment, they will slip away forever. Nonsense.
Mr. Right Won’t Have Half The Qualities On Your ‘List’
If you expect that when Mr. Right shows up, he’ll be exactly 3 inches taller than you and look the way you imagined he would when you were seven years old and planning your Barbie dream wedding— you’re probably going to be sorely disappointed.
11 Pieces Of Dating Advice Women Are Commonly Given That They Should Completely Ignore
Lately, I’ve noticed that there is a lot of bad dating advice out there, even coming from relationship experts. While it’s all well intentioned— lots of the time the ideas keep women stuck and in pain.
6 Mindsets That Will Be The Death Of Your Relationship (And How To Stop Thinking This Way)
If you’re prone to self sabotage like I used to be, it’s a downright destructive force. If you’re not quite sure what’s ailing you when it comes to failed after failed relationship, see if you have any of these destructive mindsets.
Read This If You’re Single And Have No Luck With Finding Love
Having standards isn’t simply expecting that things will go a certain way, it’s focused attention on what you really WANT, then making the effort to change or get rid of anything that doesn’t meet your standards.
10 Signs You’re Dating A Bad Boy Who Won’t Give You What You’re Looking For
While a fling with a bad boy can be fun, bad boys are the junk food of the dating world. Good for a quick bite in a pinch, but bad for your long term health.
10 Signs The Amount Of Effort You’re Putting Into Your Relationship Isn’t Worth It
Sometimes the most intelligent of us fall victim to the idea that we can “try” ourselves into better relationships with people who frankly, will never give us the kind of love that we really want.
14 Dumb Ways You’re Putting Off Your Inevitable Breakup
Before people are ready to make changes in their lives, they’ll engage in all manners of bizarre behavior to avoid conflict.
6 Ways To Recover From A Really Shitty Date
It is harder than it sounds to get away from a bad date without needlessly being rude, offending them, and/or making a total fool out of yourself. But with experience, I’ve learned how to handle all of the above. Here are my 6 tips for how to survive a bad date.
9 Red Flags To Look Out For When You’re Suspicious Your Partner Is Going To Break Up With You
Ever had that uneasy sick feeling in your gut, wondering if your partner is about to break up with you?
6 Guaranteed Ways To Sabotage Your Relationship
Be jealous for no reason. Did you feel like they might be ogling the waitress or waiter? Point it out in dramatic fashion.
This Is How You Find Someone Who Feels Lucky To Be With You, And Vice Versa
I firmly believe that there is someone (likely more than one) for everyone. However, the idea that you need to “be yourself” and they will magically pop out of the woodwork when you aren’t actively TRYING (in all senses of the word) is a really slippery slope.
A Sense Of Humor Might Be What’s Making You And Your Partner Incompatible
For all our decent times together, there was one glaring problem. He didn’t really “get” my sense of humor.
5 Reasons Healthy Couples Resolve Their Problems Without ‘Keeping Score’
When you’re keeping track of each slight and injury, including some you have probably failed to mention, it insures that nothing is resolved.