Elizabeth Tsung

Elizabeth is a NYC writer and tabby cat collector. You can find her on twitter @elizabethtsung.

Articles by
Elizabeth Tsung

This Is How You Fall Out Of Love

Cherish the way they look into your eyes, like they’re feeling everything you’re feeling at that minute. Cherish how they understand your shell is withering, ever so slowly, because of them.

17 Things To Do If You Feel Like Relapsing

Feel your muscles lengthening from your fingertips down to your shoulders. Bend your knees and straighten them. Carefully move your body into slow and gentle stretches, knowing you are honoring your body by making it feel good.

10 Reasons To Seriously Consider Adopting An Older Cat

Just like humans, cats go through multiple phases of temperaments as they grow older, but when they reach 10 years they are considered seniors. Aging cats display more signs of obedience and affection, and are great for new owners.

LSD Taught Me The Meaning Of Life

LSD is a man-made drug, you will probably never have the same experience again. It’s what makes the drug amazing, albeit dangerous. I looked down and just saw droopy, brown ink. It danced sporadically up and down my forearm. Goofy smiling faces snickered up at me, and I told them to shut up.