Elizabeth Bukhshteyn

Articles by
Elizabeth Bukhshteyn

This Is The Easiest Way To Be Happy

I could hold on to every single heartache and failure and disappointment, the endless moments where I so desperately wished it would have worked when it couldn’t have been less well-timed.

When Cancer Is Always On Your Mind

Having the perfect set of tits wouldn’t make them anymore beautiful when they were the source of mutations. I don’t even like them that much, I think. A lifetime of dealing with a part of my body that I’m not even crash hot about.

It Appears That People Are Indeed, Replaceable.

My very first date in New York was a stupidly picturesque experience. It was the pleasant end of summer easing into autumn, and I ceremoniously put on a white summer dress I knew the season would soon not permit.

Judaism As A Contingency

I began to wonder if my Judaism had contingencies I was not previously aware of. The term for Jews who choose to move to Israel and acquire citizenship is “making aliyah,” aliyah meaning “ascension.”