Elissa Sanci

Articles by
Elissa Sanci

It’s Okay To Look In The Mirror And Choose To Love Yourself

Today, I looked in the mirror and I decided I hated my legs—my thighs specifically. Up until today, I hadn’t minded my thighs. They were always wobbly, always pale, always riddled with a little bit of cellulite, but as far as thighs go, I was okay with them. I run constantly and my thighs help me. They push me further and faster, and even when they ache and shake, they never give out on me. But today, I decided I hated them.

If You Feel Uninspired, Read This

Some days, I wake up in the morning with the inspiration to write. Sometimes, it hits me while I’m sitting on the train; sometimes, it happens when I’m at a bar with friends.

Just Friends

You’re sitting three desks in front of me and you keep turning around to catch my attention. I’m ignoring you—I don’t find you funny and I want you to leave me alone.

In Praise of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Portrayal Of Plus-Sized Women

When these characters fall in love, they fall hard — their story lines aren’t glossed over. They aren’t paired off with unattractive characters in an attempt to appease the audience. Their love trysts are followed intensely, rather than just mentioned briefly in passing.