The Real Reason Why Letting Go Is So Difficult
Be patient with yourself while stuck in the in-between place — the place between here and there. That place between wanting to move on and holding on tighter.
Eileen Lamb
One of the things I struggle with the most is forming and maintaining relationships. This is not easy to admit. I crave connection with people but it rarely happens. We’ve all experienced a failed relationship at one point or another — I know that I spend a lot of time reflecting on mine. Today, I’m sharing my thoughts for people out there who are at that uncomfortable place, somewhere between letting go and holding on tighter.
Letting go is difficult because it doesn’t matter how much your head wants to move on, your heart is still right there, stuck in the past and filled with hope.
Letting go doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not a linear process either. It’s not as easy as people make it seem when they say to keep your head up and move forward.
There will be days when it doesn’t hurt but there will be others when the simple act of listening to your favorite song or seeing their favorite brand of cracker at the store will throw you into a tailspin. And that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re broken or weak. It means you’re human. You can’t quickly forget someone responsible for some of your happiest memories. Not like that — not in the blink of an eye. It takes time, so be kind to yourself while you navigate the healing journey. They may be no longer in your life like they were, but they’ll forever be in your heart. Be patient with yourself while stuck in the in-between place — the place between here and there. That place between wanting to move on and holding on tighter.
Even though right now you can’t see it through your tear-filled eyes, you’ll get through this. You will! And on those hard days, remind yourself that when life doesn’t give you what you want, it’s because there’s usually something better coming up next.