Dr. Margaret Paul

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Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Fear Of Commitment

When you do what another person wants you to do from love and caring, with no agenda to get their approval, you feel wonderful. But when you give yourself up from fear of your partner’s anger or withdrawal, you will feel trapped and resentful.

The Importance Of Choosing Forgiveness

You will stay stuck in anger and judgment, and in feeling like a victim, as long as you make others responsible for whether or not you forgive yourself. Others’ forgiveness has nothing to do with your own decision to judge or forgive yourself.

Why Happiness Really Does Come From Within

Many people believe that thinking about what they want will give them control over getting what they want. However, their intent to control is lowering their frequency and preventing the manifestation.

If You Want A Fulfilling Relationship, Love Yourself Fully

Caretakers and takers come together because both have much to learn with each other. Relationships between takers and caretakers have the necessary juice to stimulate growth in both, provided both people see this charged arena as a great gift.

Here’s Why You Need To Learn To Love Yourself

When you feel happy and whole, and are filled with love inside, you will want to share your love. You will want to learn and play and create with a loved one. Sharing love is the most wonderful experience in life.

When Is It Okay To Call It Quits In Your Relationship?

Of course it’s always “okay” to call it quits if that is what you want. No one can tell you whether or not it’s right for you. But – and this is a big ‘but’ – you might want to do your own healing before ending the relationship.