Dr. Margaret Paul
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How To Conquer Your Fear Of Dating And New Relationships
Some people are terrified of doing something wrong and being rejected because they make the other person responsible for their feelings of worth and lovability.
Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Fear Of Commitment
When you do what another person wants you to do from love and caring, with no agenda to get their approval, you feel wonderful. But when you give yourself up from fear of your partner’s anger or withdrawal, you will feel trapped and resentful.
I’m So In Love, So Why Am I Depressed?
I’ve waited so long for love to come into my life, yet now that it’s here, I’m depressed. I can’t figure this out.
Why Leaving An Unhappy Relationship Isn’t Always The Answer
You take yourself with you when you leave, and unless you heal your part of the relationship problem, you will continue to behave in ways that eventually destroys relationships.
The Importance Of Choosing Forgiveness
You will stay stuck in anger and judgment, and in feeling like a victim, as long as you make others responsible for whether or not you forgive yourself. Others’ forgiveness has nothing to do with your own decision to judge or forgive yourself.
Putting Yourself First Isn’t Selfish, It’s Necessary
It takes great courage to shift from invisibility to being seen and valued. It takes great courage to be willing to lose others rather than continue to lose yourself.
If You Want A Happy Relationship, You Have To Trust Your Own Feelings
If you learn to trust your feelings and honor them by telling your truth, you will likely see much improvement in your relationship.
Why Happiness Really Does Come From Within
Many people believe that thinking about what they want will give them control over getting what they want. However, their intent to control is lowering their frequency and preventing the manifestation.
If You Want A Healthy Relationship, You Have To Be Emotionally Responsible (Not Emotionally Dependent)
Rather than being a victim of the other’s behavior, you have taken emotional responsibility for yourself.
The Brutal Truth Is, Life Isn’t Meant To Be Lived Alone
No matter how inwardly connected we are, we are not islands unto ourselves. We need others with whom to share our love and our joy. We need others to play with and learn with.
If You Want A Fulfilling Relationship, Love Yourself Fully
Caretakers and takers come together because both have much to learn with each other. Relationships between takers and caretakers have the necessary juice to stimulate growth in both, provided both people see this charged arena as a great gift.
Here’s Why You Need To Learn To Love Yourself
When you feel happy and whole, and are filled with love inside, you will want to share your love. You will want to learn and play and create with a loved one. Sharing love is the most wonderful experience in life.
The Unedited Truth About Why People Cheat (And What Couples Should Do About It)
Infidelity generally comes from the same inner emptiness as does alcohol and drug abuse, food addiction, gambling, spending, shopping, and so on. In the case of infidelity, the addiction is to attention, approval or sex – using another person to fill the inner emptiness and take away the inner aloneness.
Some Of Us Don’t Connect With The Family We’re Born Into — And That’s Okay
Anger and blame toward your family of origin are not only a waste of energy, they keep you stuck in being a victim rather taking responsibility for learning to love yourself.
When Is It Okay To Call It Quits In Your Relationship?
Of course it’s always “okay” to call it quits if that is what you want. No one can tell you whether or not it’s right for you. But – and this is a big ‘but’ – you might want to do your own healing before ending the relationship.
The One Powerful Secret To A Loving Relationship
It’s amazing how quickly love vanishes when one or both partners have the intent to control.
You Can’t Afford To Lose Too Much Of Yourself Just To Avoid Losing Someone Else
Most relationships require us to bend to a certain extent, but how much can we bend without a sense of loss of self?
Here’s What You Need To Think About Before Ending Your Relationship
If one or both people in a relationship are closed to learning about themselves and each other, the relationship will not heal.