Dr. Margaret Paul
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Articles by
Dr. Margaret Paul
Are You The Person Your Dog Thinks You Are?
When your pet looks at you with adoring eyes, or wags his tail and wiggles with joy, or snuggles next to you on the couch or bed, he is loving you because he believes you are deserving of love. But do you see yourself this way?
Here’s Why Self-Love Is The Long-Term Solution For Depression
Our society is often focused on an instant fix – just take a pill and everything will be fine. Except it won’t.
What To Do If You’re Alone For The Holidays
Being alone for the holidays is a major challenge for many people. Holidays often conjure images of family, of warmth and the sharing of special time. Loneliness can be overwhelming when you have no one with whom to share holiday time.
How To Relax And Still Stay True To Yourself If You’re An Introvert Caught In An Extroverted Environment
I give myself full permission to be quiet. I might be enjoying a conversation while having little to add to the discussion. It might be a topic that I find interesting but that I don’t know much about, so I don’t judge myself for not contributing. I make sure that I don’t judge myself at all when I have nothing to say.
How To Love Yourself During Your Low Points
It’s one thing to be loving to yourself when things are going well and you feel centered and peaceful inside. It’s quite another to love yourself when you feel panicked and freaked out.
What To Do If You’re Too Afraid To Love
If you are too afraid to love — too afraid that you will get hurt — should you try to heal the fears before trying to love?
Why All Healthy Couples Need Both Emotional Intimacy And Great Sex
The biological sexual drive, or lack of it, relates to how much testosterone is present. The most common complaint from men regarding sex is frequency, and the most common complaint from woman is lack of emotional intimacy.
How A Healthy Relationship Can Help Heal Your Abandonment Issues
Healing our abandonment issues doesn’t happen overnight, yet it doesn’t have to take years either.
It May Seem Like A Fairytale, But There Is A Way To Know If You’ve Found Your Forever Person
Love CAN last a lifetime. We keep love alive when we continue to do all we can to be open to learning about ourselves and about each other, and are devoted to deeply accepting each other with all our human flaws.
You Matter, So Treat Yourself Like It
Many people suffer daily from anxiety, depression, stress, and anger as well as from feelings of guilt, shame and inadequacy. The major cause of these feelings is a lack of loving action in their own behalf, a lack of personal responsibility for their own feelings and wellbeing.
Feelings You May Not Realize You’re Experiencing Because You’re Being Way Too Hard On Yourself
Inner emptiness is a sign that love is lacking inside. When you feel empty inside and you haven’t learned how to fill yourself with love, you might turn to food, alcohol, drugs, TV, sex, porn, spending and so on to try to fill the inner emptiness. These addictions are a poor substitute for love, which is what you are really needing.
Choose Yourself: Why Self-Love Heals Anxiety
Anxiety is often the way our inner child lets us know that we are abandoning ourselves rather than loving ourselves. There are a number of major causes of anxiety, and all of them are related to various forms of self-abandonment.
What To Do When You Feel Like You’ll Never Get Over Heartache
Do you sometimes feel stuck with hurt and you don’t know how to get beyond it? Discover what to do with hurt. Because sometimes it stays with us forever.
What Happens When You Accept Yourself As A Highly Sensitive Person
Loving yourself with high sensitivity means that you learn to deeply value your ability to perceive subtle energies – both positive and negative. It means that you deeply value your perception of people’s feelings and moods. It means that you deeply value your rich inner life, and how profoundly you are affected by art or music, and by the environment you are in.
Read This If You And Your Partner Just Can’t Seem To Stop Fighting
Amazingly, when I finally gave up my controlling behavior, my relationships changed completely and conflicts became easy to resolve.
How To End A Relationship Without Hurting Each Other More Than You Have To
All of us meet perfectly wonderful people with whom we just don’t feel a connection.
You Are Not Unlovable –– How To Stop Being So Afraid Of Rejection
The wounded self operates out of false beliefs, rather than from the truth of who we really are, it wants to control how people feel about us.
Here’s Why Your Frustration In Relationships Is Really Frustration From Within
Every interaction we have with others is a reflection of our beliefs about ourselves, and we have the opportunity to learn from each difficult interaction.