What Do A Dog, An Elderly Woman, A Woman, And A Man All Have In Common?

The scene: October 1988. Argentina. Cue Twilight Zone intro.



The answer? They all died in the same location in the span of five minutes.

In a truly bizarre fashion, it all happened when a dog — a poodle, to be exact — fell 13 storeys onto a 75-year-old-woman, killing them both instantaneously. Across the street, a 46-year-old woman, crossing the street to join a crowd that had formed around the scene was struck by a bus. She died on impact. A man who saw who saw both incidents suffered a heart attack induced by shock and died on the way to the hospital.

One dog managed to kill three people and itself. Incredible. Just goes to show you how random and weird our lives can be. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

h/t Trove