Pot Dealers Call The Cops On Youths Who Stole Weed From Them, And No, It Surprisingly Did Not Happen In Florida

They were LARP-ing when it all went down.


As bizarre as the story is, it began with the pot dealers medieval swordfighting in a Ohio parking lot. Yes, that’s right. They were LARP-ing when it all went down.

Sebastian Wozniak, 20, and Anthony Klier, 22, were arrested for trafficking marijuana.

Nightlife Of Revelry
Nightlife Of Revelry

The two dealers got into a car, where one of the teenagers in the car pepper-sprayed Wozniak (hopefully no relation to Steve Wozniak) and stole about $80 of weed.

Incredibly, Wozniak and Klier filed a complaint with the police, leaving out the part that this happened during a drug transaction.


This is definitely all because Colorado has run out of pot. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

image – D.C.Atty