Dinuki Suraweera

Articles by
Dinuki Suraweera

The 5 Stages Of Realizing He’s Just Not That Into You

Stage two: Utter denial. At this point you’re starting to get a clue but you just can’t get yourself to admit the gut wrenching truth. Your friends start to give each other the side eye when you tell them how long it’s been since he’s texted you and you’re starting to forget what his face looks like in person.

Why You Should Burn Your List Of Qualities You Want In A Perfect Man

Muscular but not a meat head. Sweet, but not a pushover. Rich, but yea pretty much just rich. These are the items included on endless lists hidden in journals, vision boards and online dating profiles of single women all over the world. For most of us, this list has been catapulting into a monstrous snowball of perfection for years now.