6 Things Every Christian Needs To Remember When The Burden Seems Too Heavy To Bear

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We all have our trying moments in life. There are days when we feel like everything is falling apart and that God is not listening to our prayers. Sometimes, we might even find ourselves asking Him why do bad things happen to good people? If he has chosen us to be his children, why are we struggling with pain, sickness, and lost? If you’re feeling any of these right now, here’s what God wants you to know:

1. Trust and let go

Humans are created as the most intellectual being on Earth. Our capabilities, however, don’t make us invincible. We have to admit that there are circumstances we can’t fix, relationships we can’t restore, and pain that we can’t heal no matter how hard we try. But God wants us to understand that only He can do the unimaginable. So, when you are trying your best and seems nothing is happening, let go and trust that He knows what he’s doing. It is written in His word that “He will never leave us nor forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31:6), so go to sleep and let God be God.

2. Choose to forgive

Forgiving is never easy especially when you’re hurt by someone you truly trust and love. But God wants us to remember that He has forgiven us many times regardless of our sins and shortcomings. We are not worthy of anything and yet He has called us His friends. Remember that forgiveness is an attribute of the strong. While it takes a lot of courage to forgive, do it wholeheartedly. Not only do you break the chain of pain but you also free yourself from the hurt of the past as you prepare to claim His promises.

3. There’s a time for everything

When we’re young, we can’t wait to grow and do things our older brothers and sisters do. We are in a hurry to finish our studies, to get a job, and to fall in love. We want to experience a lot of things right away that we spoil the beauty of the present moment. But God said that there’s a time and a season for every thing under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We are going through different seasons in our lives so learn to embrace your journey. Do not compare your struggles and accomplishments with your friends, for they too, have different lessons to learn. Remember that he is an amazing God that deals with us in unique ways. Ask Him in prayers what He wants you to do and He will give you wisdom.

4. He listens

Though there are times that we feel He’s not around, God is, was, and has always been listening to our prayers. He knows what we need and when we exactly need it. Therefore, rest on the idea that He will give the desires of our hearts according to His plans at the right time. Whether you are praying for a career breakthrough, healing, or restoration, believe that God knows our secret petitions. He gives abundantly with all His riches—beyond what our mind can imagine.

5. Be humble and grateful

Being humble and grateful comes with the understanding that we can’t do anything without Him. He has given us talents not because we are worthy but because He is our loving, merciful father. We have a creator who can give and take away everything. Thus, none of us has the right to boast because if not for Him and his love, we are nothing.

6. He won’t give us more than we can bear

Life is an endless battle and we are faced with difficulties and uncertainties every day. But God is faithful and He promised to only give us what we can bear. Truly, he will provide resources and people who will help us endure every struggle that we may face. If your faith is shaking or your mind is clouded with negative thoughts, tell Him what you need and surrender everything to Him, for he knows our limitations and His love is enough for us to get through anything. There might be lessons that we need to learn the hard way but believe that He is the best teacher who will never let us fail.

Despite all the hardships, remember that life is still beautiful. It may get rocky and cloudy sometimes but always know that we have an all-knowing, powerful God who can turn our mess into beautiful testimonies. When life gets bumpy, look up and tell Him your worries. He only needs us to be still and believe that with Him, nothing is impossible. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Dhang Magracia

Old Soul. Sweet Tooth. Day dreamer. Story teller

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