5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Cry Over Being Single This Valentine’s Day

God and Man
God and Man

I don’t know why a lot of people are enthused with the idea that being in a relationship is all that there is to be happy. It is as if a relationship status defines someone’s worth. Hey, what’s wrong with being single?

Single-hood is one of the most special and important phases in our lives that should be cherished. If you’re single or just recently broke up, stop thinking that your situation is something that has to be fixed or escaped from. I should know because I’ve been single for the longest time and I know the envious feeling when someone gets giddy with a text message or just smiled because of sweet nothings… It’s like you’re in a movie scene except that you’re not the lead star. While you’re still single, you need to realize that singleness is not a sickness that requires medication but a beautiful place that needs your attention. Here are some of the reasons why you should embrace this beautiful season:

1. It is the perfect time to know more about yourself

What are the things that you enjoy doing the most? What are your goals? What kind of a person do you want to spend your life with? These are some of the questions that can only be answered when you are single. Singlehood is the best time to prepare for your future relationship. Save your time and effort to discover and know more about yourself.  Explore. Laugh. Live your life and use your time to  create memories that you’ll be happy and proud to recall one day.

2. It brings you closer to your loved ones

What makes single-hood even more beautiful is its gift of time.This is the only season when you can do a lot of things without explaining yourself to anyone. You are allowed to enjoy your freedom in the most unique way possible. Make the most of it by creating more happy memories with your loved ones. Instead of whining and feeling desperate comparing your situation to those who are in a relationship, spend your time with those who truly matters. One day, you’ll see that some of the happiest moments in your life took place when you are young, single, and allowed to make mistakes.

3. It teaches you patience

Another important lesson you’ll learn from being single is patience. While waiting is loneliness for most of us, consider it an opportunity to realize the bumps and ugly sides of being in a relationship. Take this moment to cultivate patience while you pray for the “one”. At this point, everything is uncertain. But, trust that God has bigger plans in your life and you only need to be patient as he unfolds his ways.

The patience that you’ll have while you’re single will surely help you survive the trying moments with your future partner. And you’re missing the point of these important lessons if you’re always in a hurry to jump from one relationship to another.

4. It uncovers your inner strength

There are days when you want to become our own super hero and there’s nothing wrong with that. Singlehood is a time where you can be anything you want to be. You’ll be surprised to know that you’re an independent being who doesn’t need validation from others. It is when you’ll realize that doing the groceries, the laundry, and fixing your stuff alone is not bad at all. In fact, it becomes more exciting because you can do what you want without feeling guilty considering someone else’s feelings.

5. It teaches you to let go

Not everyone you meet belongs to your life. Sometimes, they’re only meant to cross your path to teach you a lesson. Whether you like it or not, you should learn to let go. Because nothing is more liberating than believing that what’s meant for you will always find its way back. Don’t chase anyone. If a person has to leave, let him / her be. Realize that you won’t be able to learn what you need to if they stay. It is painful at first, messy in the middle, but will be beautiful in the end if you learn to wait and understand that God has its own way of revealing and restoring things in His perfect time. Everything happens for a reason — and you don’t need to figure it out, you only need to trust and let go.

Now that you’ve learned to embrace the beauty of singlehood, you’ll be more mature to handle a relationship in the future. The time you’ve spent alone will reveal your inner strength. You will understand that being alone is a lot different from being lonely. More importantly, you won’t settle for something less than you deserve because you know that letting go is way easier and wiser than compromising what truly matters to you. So, stop whining and doing desperate things — live, laugh, and let go. Soon, love will find its way to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Dhang Magracia

Old Soul. Sweet Tooth. Day dreamer. Story teller

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