My Opinion May Be Biased, But Sorority Stereotypes Are 100% Wrong

image - Flickr / Bridgette Wynn
image – Flickr / Bridgette Wynn

When you hear the term “sorority girl,” what comes to your mind? Let me guess. Dumb, blonde, superficial, accessory-obsessed girl who wears dresses and wedges for every occasion and probably doesn’t do too well in school, right? It’s time we get rid of that mental image.

Yes, I am in a national sorority at a small liberal arts school so please excuse my sometimes biased opinion. When I came to college, I had the same mental image of sorority girls as I stated above and I was 110% against Greek Life. At college, though, my opinions changed once I actually saw for myself what it was really like. I attended events, I talked to the girls outside of social gatherings, and I became extremely close with a good amount of girls from all different sororities. And the most interesting part was that they each had something different to bring to the table. They each added something different to my life, whether it was somebody to hang out with on a Friday night or somebody who would help me crack down and study. So I joined one, and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

The amount of community service, philanthropy, and campus events I have done through my sorority is unreal. I acknowledge that I am more-so a member of the community now than I ever was before being initiated, and I am fully aware of the fact that I now identify myself as a sorority girl because I am proud of it. I am proud to wear my letters, and I am proud to let everybody know who my 50+ sisters are, because they stand for the same exact things that I do and they are family.

The stereotype that sorority girls are all about fun, games, and partying is outdated and quite frankly humorous to me. It’s not fair to label a group of girls as such just because we get meals together and yes, we do like to wear dresses on occasion because we are women and we like to look nice and accentuate our long legs any chance we get.

What people don’t see is the system of close-knit women who are there for each other every step of the way, who love each other like family, and who are life-long supporters of each and every member. What people don’t see is those women raising money for charities, making cards for sick children, working their tails off to involve campus members in different events, and trying to make the most of every college experience given to us. And that’s something to respect. How about we let go of what letters they have on their shirt and actually get to know them and see what they, or their letters, stand for? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Deana Harley

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