David Lorenzo

Government and Politics student at the University of Maryland.

I Met Someone New Today

I have to practice what I preach, and leave this baggage behind me. I have to join the masses and masses of people who just simply have the fundamental understanding that things end.

Maybe Our Time Just Isn’t Now

You felt so much for me, and I was still holding on to something else. I never got the time to heal, I never got to give you the love and compassion you deserved.

When I Saw You With Him

I don’t want to block out my friends just because they associate with you. But ignorance is bliss and I can never forget that.

This Is How I’ll Miss You On New Year’s

At 11:59 I begin to miss the Snapchats I used to receive from you. I begin to miss your little hands, and your brown hair. At 11:59 I suddenly remember what the perfume you used to put on smells like. I compare the scent of your perfume to the girl standing in front of me looking into my eyes because she wants me to be her new year’s kiss, and it doesn’t suffice.

How To Get Used To Living Without Her

It no longer becomes a battle to wake up thinking about what you were desperately trying to forget the night before. All the apathy and indifference you once displayed towards anything that didn’t have to do with her eventually goes away.

Am I Ever Going To Get Over You?

I wish I had some way to thank you. If I did I would thank you for showing me how it feels to be loved. You came into my life in a time where I felt no one could love me but yet you somehow did. And I know I never got to call you my girlfriend, but at least your heart was mine.

This Is What It Felt Like To Be Crazy About Her

It was drowning in my sorrows, and getting high off the nostalgia. It was constantly taking trips into the past when things were different. It was passively speeding down the expressway at 80 miles per hour daydreaming about the crevasses in her body that I once knew so well. It was holding onto a blanket so tightly, and feeling like someone was trying to rip it out of my hands.

Without Change We Cannot Grow

This is the unfortunate reality of things. Times change, people change, and things change. This change sucks and it’s what ignites our suffering, but we have to endure it.