9 Career Paths Women Should Take To Destroy Gender Roles And Assumptions

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9. Radiologist

One last idea for an excellent career track into which to enter, consider radiology. In a recent interview with Julie Gill, associate professor of Allied Health at University of Cincinnati, Blue Ash, Gill stressed the prominence of new, exciting technology in radiology careers. The ongoing necessity of X-rays for a variety of purposes makes the career of radiologist one that has a high degree of job security. In addition, radiologists are in demand, since there is a shortage and Baby Boomers are also retiring, the estimated growth rate for radiologists is 18.7%.


It’s the year 2015. We’ve come a long way since 1915, when women still lacked the right to vote. However, there are still a variety of factors that make pursuing the career of your dreams a bit more complicated for women than for men. With a combination of more female applicants and greater numbers of women in senior positions, these professions are bound to see an increase in numbers within the next decade. It’s crucial that we lobby for legislation that effectively enforces equal pay for equal work. Also, if each of us spreads the word about professional women in all kinds of careers—regardless of how dominated by men they’ve been in the past. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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