9 Career Paths Women Should Take To Destroy Gender Roles And Assumptions

4A's Transformation 2014 - March 17 - Special Interview With Yahoo CEO: Marissa Mayer, Rob Norman / Youtube
4A’s Transformation 2014 – March 17 – Special Interview With Yahoo CEO: Marissa Mayer, Rob Norman / Youtube

3. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

It only takes a glance at this list of Fortune 500 CEOs to realize women have a long way to go in this profession. Women make up only 4.4%—or 22 out of 500—of the CEOs on the list, the numbers speak loudly and demand an explanation. The way to permeate the proverbial glass ceiling still eludes many women, in spite of their high performance at work and managerial ambitions.

The reasons why the numbers of women are so low is likely infinitely more complicated than offering a solution of simply ‘leaning in,’ as suggested by Sheryl Sandberg. So what’s the solution? One solution is that of Germany, which requires a certain percentage of corporate board seats to be filled by women. Another roundabout way to deal with the inequality, rather than jumping over, is to go around, instead. That is, women should consider becoming entrepreneurs and starting their own businesses.

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